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Les messages de protestion se font nombreux. Quelques exemples :

Propos haineux:
Je vous transmets l’adresse du reportage de Radio-Canada (reportage de Marc
Godbout), suite aux propos haineux anti-Québec de l’humoriste Conan O’Brien, à
la télévision depuis Toronto le vendredi 13 février.

J’espère qu’Impératif français fera part de sa profonde tristesse aux
autorités de la chaine, et aux gouvernements québécois et canadiens.

Louis Riel

Un autre raciste:
Avez-vous entendu parler de l’affaire Conan O’Brien (un autre raciste
francophobe – littéralement – applaudi à Toronto)


Lettre envoyée à mes députés (Bill Graham au fédéral et George Smitherman à
Queen’s Park)

D’ordinaire, Smitherman – qui est devenu ministre de la Santé – ne répond pas
aux lettres qui lui sont envoyées en français. Enfin, comme on dit, ”un gars

Message expédié :

Après Don Cherry, Conan O’Brien…

La francophobie chronique du Canada anglais ne se corrige décidément pas.
Personnellement, je suis de plus en plus chatouilleux devant ces manifestations
racistes qui, malheureusement, se font de plus en plus fréquentes.

Monsieur, vous qui êtes mon député, allez-vous enfin prendre des mesures
concrètes pour dénoncer cet état des choses?

Salutations distinguées

Louis Labrecque
Toronto, Ontario


Conan the obnoxious, The Toronto Star

In an editorial yesterday, we praised U.S. talk-show host Conan O’Brien for
bringing his program here and featuring lots of Canadian talent.

Well, we spoke far too soon.

The editorial went to press before Thursday’s episode was broadcast. Had we
known the mean-spirited content of that instalment of NBC’s Late Night With
Conan O’Brien, we never would have invited him to return anytime.

The program featured a nasty segment taped in Quebec city in which the show’s
obnoxious canine hand puppet stopped unsuspecting residents in the street and
crudely insulted them for being francophone.

It wasn’t just poking fun, it wasn’t clever – it was hateful and, yes,

O’Brien would never have dared such a stunt at home in New York City with
American Hispanics or Jews. Not a chance.

Many Canadians will dismiss O’Brien as an out-of-touch American who doesn’t
realize how sensitive French-English issues are here.

What is truly appalling, however, was the reaction of the audience at
Toronto’s Elgin Theatre. Most members laughed wildly at the crude anti-French
jokes. Earlier in the week, the crowd, many their 20s, booed the mention of
singer Céline Dion.

Regrettably, French-bashing is once again becoming all too prevalent in
English Canada, and in Toronto. It is as if all the efforts over the past 25
years by both anglophones and francophones to ease tensions between the two
groups was a waste of time for these young Canadians, who you would think would
be more tolerant in multi-ethnic Toronto.

Taxpayers chipped in $1 million to bring the show here. We welcomed O’Brien
to our turf and fawned over him. In return, we were repaid with ill-mannered

Goodbye, Conan. Don’t come back soon.

NDLR – Vous trouverez les adresses électroniques des députés fédéraux dans le
site suivant :

à vous de jouer !

(Le 15 février 2004)

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